Greetings to you! Our flame burns brighter now with our new mate on Keys. We found kindred vision through collaboration and the steps ahead are now illuminated. Please welcome Lauren to Breath!
Says Steve O’Kelly: “Contemplative walks lead me to hear a third voice in Breath. In the throes of erratic thought when we were deep in the creative phase,, doors swung open to a new path that we gladly stride. Lauren brings thoughtful collaboration and energy to our music. We’re grateful to have her adept hand of Synthesizers pull us up into a new area.”
Says Lauren: “I started out as a fan of Breath. When Steven asked me to play on a song, I was surprised because the band is so strong as a two-piece. One song turned into three songs, which turned into live performances, and here we are. I’ve been having a blast coming up with synth parts to add a new element to these songs and am so excited to explore more sounds with these guys.”
Read the original post on the band’s Official facebook Page:
Live Dates:
7 / 11 The Midnight Portland
7 / 14 M & J Tavern Bend
7 / 15 The WOW Hall Eugene
Purchase Tickets here:
Purchase the Remixed & Remastered Version of their album “Primeval Transmissions” on Bandcamp: