JPL Official announcement via Fcebook:
As of today, there are only 5 days left before “Sapiens – Chapter 1 / 3: Exordium” goes to the press.
This has the effect:
– that there are still 5 days left to get your name on the CD BOOKLET IN PRE-order the album.
– that those who pre-ordered it will have it about two weeks before the release! For the others, we will have to wait until March 20th.
I would like to take this message to thank everyone who has already ordered the CD or vinyl version, your support is appreciated! 🙂 🙂
There are still a few hundred euros left to close the budget, so if you’re still running, don’t wait any longer! 🙃 🙃
Re-here are the links:
CD: https://www.quadrifonic.com/…/448-jpl-sapiens-chapitre-1-3-…
Vinyl (limited to 100 copies!!) https://www.quadrifonic.com/…/449-jpl-sapiens-chapitre-1-3-…
Listen to the single:
PS: if you are one of those I meet, and you don’t want to pay the shipping costs (which would indeed be useless), contact me by private message!
Thank you!
JPL |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|YouTube Channel|
Quadrifonic |Official Website|Facebook Page|