“Way way back in the early days I used to say a lot about ‘The Terminal Kaleidoscope’, a concept comparing the fragile planet we live on to a drowning human being with life flashing before his or her eyes, the images constantly accelerating. It’s 2024, a little over two decades since the turn of this unbearably turbulent century and the concept appears to have become an unlikely soap opera where we are the cast. Let’s hang in there….” – Edward Ka-Spel – The Legendary Pink Dots
“So Lonely In Heaven” – The Creation:
“So Lonely in Heaven” is the new album by the Anglo-Dutch Experimental Rock band The Legendary Pink Dots, who formed in London in 1980 and are still helmed by co-founder and frontman Edward Ka-Spel. Their second full-length effort since the World stopped for a Global Pandemic, group members were still scattered across three countries and two continents as they began writing it, with ideas spun across Cyberspace for months. However, the magic eventually happened collectively in small spaces with the tape running.
“So Lonely In Heaven” – The Message:
The machine is everything we are. It sees everything, hears everything, knows everything and feeds, speeds, drinks us down, spits us out – we lost control of it at the instant of its conception. You may cough, curse and die, but the machine will resurrect you without the flaws, at your peak, smiling from a screen, bidding someone in a lonely room to join you. It’s an invitation from Heaven, where anyone can be anything they want to be, but it’s a Nation of One. You’ll be everything we are. You’ll be a shadow of yourself. You’ll repeat yourself – endlessly. You’ll be desperate for some kind of explanation. You’ll be lonely. So very lonely….
01. So Lonely In Heaven
02. The Sound Of The Bell
03. Dr. Bliss
04. Sleight Of Hand
05. Choose Premium : First Prize
06. Darkest Knight
07. Cold Comfort
08. Wired High : Too Far To Fall
09. How Many Fingers In The Fog
10. Blood Money : Transitional
11. Pass The Accident
12. Everything Under The Moon
The Legendary Pink Dots will be promoting “So Lonely In Heaven” with a European tour commencing on 30th January 2025. Dates and ticket information can be found HERE.
Tour Dates:
30.01.25 BE Brussels Le Botanique
31.01.25 Fr Lille Bulle Cafe
01.02.25 Fr Paris Le Petit
02.02.25 Fr Lyon Sonic
04.02.25 DE Munich Backstage Club
05.02.25 IT Bologna Freakout
06.02.25 IT Firenze Circolo arci progresso
08.02.25 HU Budapest Instant
09.02.25 HU Pecs Nappali
11.02.25 AT Vienna Replugged
12.02.25 CZ Prague Futurum
13.02.25 DE Berlin Quasimodo
14.02.25 DE Hannover Subkultur
16.02.25 DE Stuttgart Kipepeo
18.02.25 DE Rüsselsheim Das Rind
19.02.25 DE Cologne Sonic Ballroom
20.02.25 DE Hamburg Hafenklang
23.02.25 LT Vilnius St Catherine’s church.
– more dates TBA –
The Legendary Pink Dots Brief Biography:
The music made by The Legendary Pink Dots has incorporated elements of neo-Psychedelia, Ambient Music, Electronic Music, Tape Music, Psychedelic Folk, Synthpop, Post-Punk, Progressive Jazz, Noise Music, Pop Music, Goth Rock and Alternative Rock….occasionally all at the same time.
Often likened to an industrial version of Syd Barrett-era Pink Floyd, it was actually early David Bowie, The Residents, Can, Faust and musique concrete composers such as Pierre Henry who were far bigger influences on the Dots when they started out. Indeed, the lengthy fever dream-like sonic expeditions that litter the band’s catalogue have often received the greatest praise.
The group currently comprises Edward Ka-Spel (vocals, keyboards, songwriter), Erik Drost (guitars), Randall Frazier (keyboards, electronics) and Joep Hendrikx (live electronics). Operating outside the mainstream, their discography consists of 40+ studio albums and they have amassed a devoted following worldwide, touring frequently to promote their releases.
Ka-Spel is also a co-founding member of Electronic duo The Tear Garden (with cEvin Key of Skinny Puppy) and released an acclaimed collaborative album with Amanda Palmer in 2017. Palmer has often cited The Legendary Pink Dots as being her favourite band.
The majority of the band’s extensive back catalogue, as well as Ka-Spel’s solo work and recordings with the likes of Steve Stapleton (Nurse With Wound), Amanda Palmer and The Tear Garden can be purchased via Bandcamp: https://legendarypinkdots1.bandcamp.com/