[News] Liv Moon share some performances on YouTube

From the Official Liv Moon Facebook Post:

Dearest Fans,
How is your health? Covid struggles brought us all closer together as a human family. Sharing our positive energy will make us all stronger. Please don’t give up! Though Covid canceled half of the “Bodyguard Musical” Osaka–Tokyo tour, and a State of Emergency keeps me working from home, I don’t give up. https://mobile.twitter.com/akanelivmoon
Am trying to overcome physical separation by teleworking across cultural boundaries with my artists friends. Hope our just completed online performances inspired by “Mother Goose” will cheer you up.
This Japanese-English series of mini performances was set up remotely by five of us: Naoko Okouchi, Maki Matsuda, Takaya Aoyagi, Gabriel Hunter, Akane Liv.
Very sorry, but the short film of these performances (made by Takaya Aoyagi and Maki Matsuda) is only available on YouTube ‪until May 6, 2020‬.
The good news is that our LIV MOON’s just remotely completed duet by Tatsuya Nishiwaki & Akane Liv is available on YouTube without time limits since April 2020.
This song was inspired by memories of our stay in Sweden ten years ago (Music composed by T. Nishiwaki; Lyrics by Akane LIV). It was the time when our LIV MOON band was just forming… and only two of us performed at the Music Festival in Sweden in 2010.
Please stay healthy and keep your spirits high. We will overcome pandemic and be reunited soon together. We are a family.
With a lot of love and wishes of health.
Always yours,
Akane Liv of LIV MOON

Liv Moon |Official Website|Facebook Page|Twitter|Instagram|Spotify|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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