[News] Prophecy Fest 2025: Special Moonspell show confirmed

Prophecy Fest proudly announces a special Moonspell concert entitled “Wolfheart & Other Stories” for its 2025 edition. The Portuguese Dark Metal pioneers’ career-defining breakthrough album “Wolfheart” will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year.

Prophecy Fest 2025 will again take place in front of and inside the legendary Cave of Balve from Thursday, September 11 until the start of the last band before midnight on Saturday, September 13.

These acts have now been confirmed, with many more bands to be added in due time (in alphabetical order): Arthur Brown, Dornenreich, Kall (also performing Lifelover), Moonspell, Soror Dolorosa, The Vision Bleak

The price for the 3-Day-Passes 2025 has been set at 149 € (plus service charge).

3-Day-Passes as well as supplementary Comfort-Passes for Prophecy Fest 2025 are availablehere: https://fest.prophecy.de/tickets

If you want to join our Helping Hands in 2025, apply herehttps://fest.prophecy.de/helping-hands

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Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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