It’s been 17 years since Ainur thought to transform Tolkien’s masterpiece “The Silmarillion” into music. Each member of the band was lost in his own musical themes inspired by Tolkienian mythology. As if hypnotized, they outrageously composed themes for the main characters and started to imagine this huge concept work to which they still work on today.
Ainur has signed with Rockshots Records to release the highly anticipated “War of The Jewels”, which sees the band take an interesting evolution in sound from previous releases. Ainur will completely immerse fans in J.R.R.Tolkien’s war atmospheres. They have imagined every story and every battle and recreate them through unique and deep music.
The band explains in further detail: “We always follow the path that Tolkien himself has outlined in his tales, so we tried to create a concept that embraces the Wars of Beleriand throughout the album. Since the topic is a little bit complex this time, we thought to divide the concept into two albums: then, side by side with “Children of Hurin” and “Lay of Leithian”, they will flow into a big opera that will unite the third chapter of Wars of Beleriand and Lays of Beleriand.”
The band further comments on releasing with Rockshots Records: “This is the first album without our historical label Electromantic. We owe a lot to Beppe and his staff, but we felt that we needed something new for our project. There were some labels interested in having us on their roster but when we talked with Roberto and Valerio from Rockshots Records we realized that that was the right way. And now that we are releasing the album we can say that we made the right choice.”
The compositional process of “War of The Jewels” has been very long. It started in 2009 (or maybe before) and it ended more or less last year. Ainur sees it as their “rebirth” album. They have been working hard composing and arranging their music to create the best tribute to Tolkien’s histories that they can.
Fans of Tolkien’s work along with fans of Ayreon, Queen, and John Williams will be surprised by the majesty and the energy of this work.
The 2021 release date for “War of the Jewels” through Rockshots Records will be announced at a later date.
Below the Facebook Post from the Ainur Official Page, talking about the new contract and album: