[News] Yesterdays remastered and reissued their debut album “Holdf​é​nykert” on Digital, CD and Vinyl

Hungarian Progressive Rock band Yesterdays remastered and reissued the album “Holdf​é​nykert” on on December 18, 2024 and is available in Digital, CD and Vinyl format.

Purchase vinyl version here: elasticstage.com/yesterdays/releases/holdfenykert-album

Purchase the album on Bandcamp: https://yesterdaysband.bandcamp.com/album/album-holdf-nykert-remaster-2024

What a feeling… this is the fourth edition of the “Holdfénykert” album. It was first released by a small Hungarian label called Rockszervíz in 2006, then Musea re-released it in 2008 as an enhanced Cd-Rom version. A few years later, our friend Kimmo Pörsti suggested releasing it again as an audiophile edition in 2014. Now that all these editions are long gone, we’ve decided to re-release this debut album once more with the help of mastering engineer Nyíri Sándor. And why not-we’ve also added some tracks from 2006-2007 that are very special to us.

Isteni színjáték” was written for the MuseaInfernoVA Project CD boxset and Jonas Reingold (ex-The Flower Kings) plays bass on it… unbelievable! “Cherrypie” was the very first Yesterdays song ever written, and this version is its original incarnation from 2004, with a Jazzy twist. We’ve also included the original ending of “Hol vagy?,” a Metheny-inspired acoustic guitar piece. “Felszállott a páva” is the early version of “Ne félj” and finally, here’s “Way Back Home,” a track we wrote for an international Jimi Hendrix Tribute competition (organized on Myspace… remember that website?). Out of more than 2,000 entries, it placed 7th-it nearly brought us some extra fame! Still, we are very proud of this song. We hope you’ll enjoy this extended piece of Yesterdays’ history.

01. Napfénykert 01:58
02. Végtelen 04:35
03. Ne félj 05:50
04. Ha majd egyszer 03:09
05. So Divine (Like Cherrypie) 04:49
06. Hol vagy? 08:01
07. Várj még 05:33
08. Holdfénykert 02:15
09. Seven 11:48
10. Valahol a térben 06:23
11. Bonus Track – Isteni színjáték (ft. Jonas Reingold of The Flower Kings) 04:33
12. Bonus Track – Cherrypie (So Divine demo 2004) 04:25
13. Bonus Track – Hol vagy? (Alternative Ending) 02:05
14. Bonus Track – Felszállott a páva (Ne félj demo) 04:49
15. Bonus Track – Way Back Home (Hendrix Tribute) 03:32

Bogáti-Bokor Ákos – guitars, Mellotron, MiniMoog, Additional Bass Guitar, Piano, Backing Vocals
Bazsó Tibor / Sound Engineer, Backing Vocals
Csergő Domokos / Drums
Enyedi Zsolt / Synthesizers, Mellotron, MiniMoog, Piano, Electric Piano
Fülöp Timea / Backing Vocals
Jánosi Kinga / Lead Vocals, Backing Vocals
Kozma Kis Emese / Flute
Kósa Dávid / Percussion, backing vocals
Vitályos Lehel – bass guitar

Yesterdays |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|X (Twitter)|Instagram|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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