[Hidden Rarities #17] I Giganti – Terra In Bocca

It is in fact an act of courage, a strong accusation against the Mafia for the water war in parched Sicily. The story of two young lovers is intertwined with the history of the town and is vividly described in Piero De Rossi’s still very current texts.

The music is almost all by Mino De Martino, but it was deposited at the Siae by Vince Tempera, who took care of the arrangements of the disc and composed all the instrumental parts.

The disc was recorded in the “Play-co” studios of Milan, and the Latte and Honey guitarist Marcello Giancarlo Dellacasa also collaborated on the recording, as well as Ellade Bandini and Ares Tavolazzi, components with Tempera of The Pleasure Machine.

The album was broadcast only once on the radio, then nobody knew anything about it and it was the end of the Giants.

The style of 6 years ago echoes on Earth in the mouth, with some interesting hints of jazz and the roar of electric guitars. The tracks are 12, all linked together, without pause.

A particularity: the first CD reissue made by “Vinyl Magic” was published in 1989 and is different from the original disc (probably containing a demo recording): the overall length of this version is 44’11 “, and compared to the released version in its time the sound is much less rich and orchestrated, more acoustic, but in some points more intense; moreover some recitatives are missing.

The second edition of 1993, again of the Vinyl Magic (apparently identical to the first on the cover but with a different design of the label), has a length of 46’44 “and is instead identical to that of the vinyl record.

In 2000 the disc was reissued by Akarma.

Finally in 2009 it was reprinted, with a bonus track, by the Il Margine editions, and attached to a volume that reconstructs the birth of the songs and the recording of the album, with many interviews with the collaborating musicians.

In May 2010, “Terra inouth” was performed for the first time in full live in two concerts at the Fraschini theater in Pavia as part of the project “The rules of freedom – educational paths to grow citizens of the world” created by ARCI PAVIA in the city’s higher education institutions with funding from the Banco del Monte di Lombardia Foundation.

On the stage, together with the musicians of the SpazioMusica Ensemble and the Sacher Quartet, the “Giants” Enrico Maria Papes, Mino de Martino, Checco Marsella accompanied by Ares Tavolazzi, Ellade Bandini and Vince Tempera.

In autumn 2010 “Terra inouth live” was staged at the Educaonline Festival of Rovereto and at the Festival of Independent Labels in Faenza (RA).

On 14 May 2011 it was performed at the Arlecchino theater in Voghera and on Saturday 18 June on the occasion of the replica of the ARCI PAVIA project in the Voghera Higher Institutes; then to S. Martino in Rio (Reggio Emilia).

Also in 2011, the Giants won the Paolo Borsellino Prize, precisely for Terra inouth (which celebrates 40 years since its publication): for the occasion, Mino, Checco and Enrico perform live some songs of the album in an acoustic version [1].

On May 23, 2012, on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the Capaci massacre, “Terra in bocca live” is staged at the MIL space in Sesto San Giovanni. On July 27, 2012, “Terra in bocca live” will be staged in Rivanazzano (PV).

Risultato immagini per i giganti - terra in bocca


  1. Largo iniziale
  2. Molto largo
  3. Avanti
  4. Avanti tutto – Brutto momento – Plim plim
  5. Plim plim al parossismo – Delicato andante
  6. Rumori – Fine incombente
  7. Fine lontana – Allegro per niente


  1. Tanto va la gatta al lardo – su e giù
  2. Larghissimo – Dentro tutto
  3. Alba di note – rimbalzello triste
  4. Rimbalzello compiacente – Ossessivo ma non troppo
  5. Fine

BONUS TRACK (2009 Edition)

  1. Il pescatore (lungo e disteso 1ª versione)


Mino Di Martino / Vocals, Guitar
Checco Marsella / Vocals, Keyboards, Mellotron
Sergio Di Martino / Vocals, Bass, Guitar
Enrico Maria Papes / Vocals, Drum

Ellade Bandini / Drum
Ares Tavolazzi / Bass, Guitar
Vince Tempera / Hammond, Piano
Gigi Rizzi / Guitar (not credited in cover art)
Marcello Dellacasa / Guitar
La Bionda / Acoustic Guitar (not credited in cover art)

Info taken from Wikipedia.

I Giganti |Facebook Page|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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