[New Releases] July 2024 new releases

July 01, 2024The WindmillMindscapesProgressive Rock[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 01, 2024Of Deities and DustBeyond This Place of Wrath and TearsDoom
July 01, 2024A3onTheotokosStoner/Doom
July 01, 2024DopeotterЕ​с​к​а​п​і​з​мStoner/Doom
July 01, 2024Outer HeadCosmic VibratorsStoner/Doom
July 01, 2024The Dark MonarchyThe Weight Of The WorldProgressive Rock/Metal
July 01, 2024HazeThe Water’s EdgeProgressive Rock
July 01, 2024ICEMan In The MoonNeo Prog
July 03, 2024Fresno BobHollydoom – Volume Two EPStoner/Doom
July 04, 2024StormridersWhispers of the Void EPStoner/Doom Metal/Rock
July 04, 2024Tenk Van Dool and Paul SearsAperiodic GrokProgressive Rock
July 04, 2024Alien GraceAlien GraceProgressive Rock
July 05, 2024Long EarthAn Ordinary LifeProgressive Rock
July 05, 2024Thunder HorseDead Alive in TexasDoom
July 05, 2024ArgosHalfway Between Heaven And MirthCanterbury Scene, Progressive Rock[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 05, 2024MeifuHaunted DreamsPsychedelic Doom Metal
July 05, 2024Kick The GiantPresenceProgressive Rock, Progressive Metal
July 05, 2024GorgiaDistant LandsStoner/Doom
July 05, 2024DuelBreakfast with DeathPsychedelic Doom/Stoner Metal/Rock
July 05, 2024Million MoonsI May Be Some TimeProgressive Post-Rock/Metal
July 05, 2024Isle of the CrossFaustus The MusicalProgressive Metal Opera
July 05, 2024Old Horn ToothMourning LightStoner/Doom
July 05, 2024ATILAEncarnacióSymphonic Prog
July 05, 2024TelesterionThesmophoria EPDoom, Post-Metal
July 05, 2024Northern LinesI Think We’re FineProgressive Rock
July 05, 2024VvolframVvolframDrone, Doom
July 05, 2024Piah MaterUnder the Shadow of a Foreign SunProgressive Metal
July 06, 2024Mile Marker ZeroComing of AgeProgressive Rock
July 06, 2024Starspawn of CthulhuAlienumDoom
July 06, 2024Factory of ArtBack to LifeProgressive Metal
July 07, 2024UtopycaYltya de SyptarProgressive Metal
July 07, 2024Jay TausigUnto Other RealmsPsychedelic Rock, Progressive Rock[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 07, 2024Michael HannaThe Battle for Your Soul EPProgressive Metal
July 07, 2024PhoenixРитуалProgressive Metal
July 08, 2024Death Cult 69Hell on Earth EPDoom
July 08, 2024ICEMan In The MoonNeo Prog
July 08, 2024BlizaroChapter None EPProgressive Rock, Doom Metal
July 08, 2024GroofaloGroofaloStoner/Doom
July 09, 2024Greco BastiánWith a little hell from MORE friendsProgressive Rock, Avant-Garde, Zeuhl
July 08, 2024JeguljaAnguilla GuerrillaStoner/Doom
July 09, 2024Beastial PiglordThe Floral Scent of DeathAvant-garde Doom Metal
July 10, 2024DoodskistIn the Flickering Candle’s Light EPDoom
July 10, 2024ShipyardSwing Bridge EPStoner/Doom
July 10, 2024DhyanaTathagataDrone, Doom
July 11, 2024Nine Stones CloseDiurnaProgressive Rock
July 12, 2024Occult WitchesSorrow’s PyreHeavy Psych, Stoner[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 12, 2024CentregazeXeno EPProgressive Metal
July 12, 2024Kevin DouglasRotten Fingers EPProgressive Metal
July 12, 2024Mothman and The ThunderbirdsPortal HopperHeavy Prog
July 12, 2024OtrereOdyssey of AgonyProgressive Doom Metal
July 12, 2024Ever ForthrightTechinfluxProgressive Metal
July 12, 2024Spiral GraveIll ReputeDoom
July 12, 2024AmorphisTales from the Thousand Lakes – Live at TavastiaProgressive Metal
July 12, 2024Aurora ClaraIVJazz Prog[REVIEW] [REVIEW VIDEO]
July 12, 2024Black CapricornSacrifice Darkness … and FirePsychedelic Doom Metal
July 13, 2024Cymbalic EncountersVents CycloniquesProgressive Rock
July 13, 2024LavandulaStranded in a Strangers MindStoner/Doom
July 15, 2024Vladislav VolkovRequiem for a Life EPProgressive Metal
July 15, 2024GabrielsFist of the Seven Stars – Act 4: Five ForcesProgressive Metal
July 15, 2024Actitud ModuladaUno con el MarProgressive Rock
July 16, 2024Chest RockwellBelieve in the Magic [Live]Progressive Metal
July 17, 2024VarkensstadHennendalProgressive Metal
July 18, 2024FohattReflections of EmptinessDoom
July 18, 2024Altered AnimalCOPYCATProgressive Metal
July 18, 2024Castle Mountain MoonSix Tales Of PerceptionProgressive Rock
July 18, 2024Coma RossiVoidProgressive Rock
July 18, 2024MaliciouzDizeazed EPStoner/Doom
July 19, 2024Inner StrengthDaydreaming in MoonlightProgressive Metal
July 19, 2024SarajahSarajahDoom
July 19, 2024DiceLanding In Area 3-0Progressive Rock
July 19, 2024King BotflyAll Hail EPStoner/Doom
July 19, 2024Andy NixonThe WaterlineArt Rock
July 19, 2024Circle of SighsUrsus EPProgressive Doom Metal
July 19, 2024Gates Of KievTales Of AionProgressive Rock[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 19, 2024Patriarchs in BlackVisioningStoner/Doom
July 19, 2024HistoriaEchoes of the WillProgressive Metal
July 19, 2024Servants to the TideWhere Time Will Come to DieDoom
July 19, 2024If I FallUnspokenProgressive Metal
July 19, 2024Thousand LimbsThe AurochsDoom, Post-Metal
July 20, 2024Geof Whitely ProjectHard Words Brake No BonesProgressive Rock
July 20, 2024Lords of FormHypnotise the WorldPsychedelic Rock, Space Rock
July 20, 2024Fading EchoesShadow of AnotherProgressive Metal
July 20, 2024Cymbalic EncountersThe Creep Next DoorProgressive Rock
July 20, 2024MinisteriumDies Irae EPProgressive Metal
July 21, 2024Never the DeadOur Darkness Remains EPDoom
July 21, 2024A Day in VeniceA Man Without a NameDoom
July 22, 2024The Circle ProjectBestiario IIProgressive Rock[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 23, 2024EvelOmen EPStoner/Doom
July 23, 2024Castle Mountain MoonSix Tales Of PerceptionNeo Prog[REVIEW] [VIDEO REVIEW]
July 23, 2024Seldon’s InquisitorPast Present FutureProgressive Rock
July 23, 2024WhitecrowSoul ElysiumStoner/Doom
July 25, 2024IndricothereExtruded Nonlocality ImmersionProgressive Metal
July 25, 2024Dread OgreGet Ready for the StormDoom Metal
July 25, 2024CommunionGrotesque HeraldryDoom
July 26, 2024Gavin Harrison & Antoine FafardPerpetual MutationsProgressive Rock, Jazz Prog
July 26, 2024ScaldAncient Doom MetalDoom Metal
July 26, 2024Danza De La IraSepties KairosProgressive Rock
July 26, 2024Øresund Space CollectiveOrgone UnicornPsychedelic Rock, Space Rock
July 26, 2024YangRejoice!Progressive Rock
July 26, 2024Season of the WitchVol. 2Stoner/Doom
July 26, 2024ExSilencioPicturesProgressive Metal
July 26, 2024Gods & PunksDeathSpace Rock, Stoner/Doom
July 26, 2024Astral NomadNomad-1 EPPsychedelic Doom/Stoner Metal/Rock
July 26, 2024PoseidóticaLas Palabras y la RealidadProgressive Rock
July 26, 2024MagmakammerBefore I BurnPsychedelic Doom Metal
July 26, 2024Psychedelic WitchcultThey Used Dark ForcesPsychedelic Doom Metal
July 26, 2024Santa CoraElementumSymphonic Progressive Metal
July 27, 2024‘Twas the NightMagicalProgressive Symphonic Metal
July 27, 2024‘Twas the NightMusic in the SkyProgressive Symphonic Metal
July 27, 2024Emergency RevivalEmergency RevivalProgressive Rock
July 28, 2024‘Twas the NightMetamorphosisProgressive Symphonic Metal
July 29, 2024ThundergoatLabyrinthian Scales EPStoner/Doom
July 30, 2024ShankarTempest EPStoner/Doom Metal
July 31, 2024King ZogSecond DawnDoom

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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