[News] Émonis publish the new single “Avanti March!”

Émonis is the moniker used by Simone Pesatori, voice of the excellent Italian Progressive Rock band Sintonia Distorta, with whom, however, he proposes a different sound. More modern songwriter, with songs ranging from Pop to Rap/Hip Hop, with sounds that are always sought after and never banal and also thick lyrics, as Simone has accustomed us. In early September, 2020 he released the new single “Avanti March!,” which can be listened to on YouTube in the player below:

Arranged and produced by Fecerico Framè, Recorded and mixed by Daniele Valentini and Massimo Manzoni of Treehouse Lab, the same recording studio as the Sintonia Distorta. Davide Zampatti and Riccardo Molti of After Spell Studios they took care of the cover art and the images and photos published before the song was released.

Simone a.k.a. Émonis : “The song was really born by chance … while I was working on another piece on behalf of a producer … that song was actually made and took another path, other characteristics and melodies … but that remained tune (the one that is repeated several times and on which I sing “Fianco Dest! Fianco Sinist!” … so I said to myself, why don’t you try to develop it while keeping the “trap” base initially required for that other piece and don’t try to “rapping” on it ?! And here is Avanti March!

I “threw myself” into an area that is certainly not mine” add Simone, “but that in the meantime allowed me to deal with a theme a little different from the usual (even if certain “complaints” are also found in the Sintonia’s tunes… see “Solo un sogno” for example) and above all to do it with an irony and sarcasm certainly not typical of my previous lyrics … and I really enjoyed it, I” tried “,” experimented “, and it’s always very stimulating to try to enter new paths! …. I am also very happy with the already many positive feedbacks that I received today! Everyone – even those who do not particularly appreciate “rap”, “hip hop”, or in any case these areas, wrote to me that he was struck in the meantime by the fact that he found me at ease, then especially for the text, the words! …

Émonis |Facebook Page|Twitter|Spotify|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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