[News] Emperor Norton publish the full live performance at Fusion 2019 on YouTube

From Emperor Norton Official Facebook Page:

Emperor Norton proudly present our very first live gig experience (at least, outside of actually coming to see us); Fusion 2019! It’s a full set, including all the talking and whatnot between, so it’s very warts-and-all – just as live shows should be!

Hope you enjoy it – this is how we really want to be experienced, so we’d appreciate the shares and whatnot!

This content, however, does come with some sad news. We are, sadly but offically, on hiatus… However, this is a ‘hiatus’ in the very literal sense of the word, and one with a fixed end date; our keys player has been offered an incredible opportunity in the United States for six months, and instead of trying to string things along while he’s away we’re just going to take a break. We ahve gigs booked for next year, so the moment he’s back (April) we’ll be going Norton-crazy. In the meantime, we’re all still doing music (I’m now singing for a cheesy power metal band which, while not really the same demographic, is a whole lot of fun, and I know Scott (guitars) has been doing some solo stuff) so I’ll post this stuff when it’s available!

Until then, adieu, friends; as the radio decays, so too does the band beside it (but not really).

Emperor Norton |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|Soundcloud|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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