[News] Eternus releases the live album “Elephant Tales”

August 23, 2019 is a very significant date for Eternus, as it is the day they released their most recent album called “Human Tales.” In this context -and just one year from that day- the band decides to rescue the tracks of the recital where they played the entire album “Human Tales” in order to deliver a live record of the album. After carrying out a rescue job of the original tracks of that recital, the band decided to publish a “live” as a commemoration, a work they called “Elephant Tales”, playing with the name of the place where the event took place and the disc name. It is worth recognizing the special dedication in the work of mixing and mastering the tracks, which was undoubtedly a great job on the part of the band.

Below an Eternus live video:

In the words of Joaquín, the Eternus guitarist: “This record reminds us of the warmth and power of the date, by both the band and the public. It was the second time we played in such a space, and we didn’t think it would be so successful.

Eternus is a Symphonic Metal band from Valparaíso, inspired by the epic, fantasy and atmospheric compositions, very much in the line of the Doom, Power and Black Metal drafts. This live album tries to give a signal to his followers that the pandemic has not stopped them and that they will continue to be more active than ever.

EternusElephant Tales” is available for strem on Spotify:

Eternus |Bandcamp|Facebook Page|Twitter|Instagram|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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