Dear readers, we are pleased to offer you in this article an interview with Joe D’Angelo, the artist behind the Doom Metal project Umbersound.
Hi Joe, it’s a pleasure to have you with us. How are you?
“I’m good! Thank you for having me.“
You’re a composer, singer, and multi-instrumentalist. How did your passion for music begin?
“I got my first guitar from my uncle when I was 13—a Guitar Research Stratocaster copy (I believe Guitar Research was owned by Schecter). I fell in love with it, and all I did was practice. From there, my musical journey just kept evolving.“
Your take on Doom Metal is infused with various genres and styles. How did your passion for these sounds develop, and what are your main sources of inspiration?
“Doom is always going to be my foundation. Over time, my albums have gotten heavier and heavier. I try not to
listen too much to music that could influence me directly—if I listen to Camel, for example, I’ll end up writing
prog all day! But when it comes to other genres, I just write what naturally comes out. I’ve learned to streamline
my writing before my mind wanders too far.“
Your new album, “If The Flies Could Sing,” was released on January 24, 2025. How would you describe this work?
“I see it as part of a larger body of work. I’m going to keep writing albums for as long as I live. Each one is like a time capsule, if that makes sense.”
The instrumental parts and vocals are solid and incisive. What themes do the lyrics explore?
“The main theme is about releasing emotions and moving on. The past is gone, but feelings never fully disappear.
With Umbersound, I can bottle them up into music—it’s like lifting a great weight. Whatever needs to be
expressed artistically, I let it come through.“
You composed and performed all the tracks. What was your creative process like?
“I always keep my DAW ready to go. I know this might sound a bit artsy, but I wait for the right feeling before I write or record. I rarely sit down and force myself to come up with a riff or vocal line. The why behind what I’m writing is more important than anything.“
What equipment did you use to record this album?
“I used two different amp heads: The Peavey Stealth and my old reliable 5150 block letter head. I also used an amp sim (Neural DSP Soldano) on two tracks. Most of the effects come from Valhalla plugins. On the title track, I used a bit crusher to make a melody sound like flies singing. My recording hardware includes the Neve 1073SPX, GAP COMP-2A, and Warm Audio EQP-WA. Simple but effective.“
As a one-man band, is there a chance to hear your music live, or is Umbersound strictly a studio project?
“Possibly in the future. It won’t be a regular thing, but I’m considering putting together a few shows to raise money for charity—making it more of an event.“
Are you planning to release any singles from this album?
“Yes. Wolves at the Door is the first single, and the title track If The Flies Could Sing was be the next. Also, between this album and the next, I plan to release a standalone track to keep people engaged.“
This is your third release as Umbersound. How has your sound evolved over time?
“Definitely. For my first album, I received a grant from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). It had some metal songs, but it was actually a bit pop-ish! Since it was my debut, I kept writing in different styles, and it turned into a genre mix. I decided to leave it as it was.“
The U.S. has always been a stronghold for Doom and Heavy Metal. How do you see today’s scene in your country?
“It’s booming! I remember a time when Doom wasn’t widely recognized, and the mainstream barely knew it existed. Personally, I’ve always been drawn to the European scene.“
How difficult is it to succeed in the music industry when working within a niche genre like yours?
As long as the right people hear and connect with it, that’s all that matters. Whether it’s ten people or ten thousand, music finds its audience. I’m grateful for that.“
What advice would you give to young artists exploring music in a similar style?
“The basics—be yourself and write what you know.“
Do you have any other artistic passions outside of music?
“I screen print. That’s always been my other creative outlet.“
Thank you, Joe, for the interview! Wishing you all the best for the release of If The Flies Could Sing and your future artistic endeavors.
“Thank you so much!“
Purchase the album on Bandcamp: https://umbersound.bandcamp.com/album/if-the-flies-could-sing