[News] Lion’s Share present cover of Motörhead “Killed By Death”

Sweden’s Lion’s Share have made their tribute to Lemmy and Motörhead with the cover of “Killed By Death“. The cover for this song, which was originally released by Motörhead in 1984, was produced and mixed by Lars Chriss and mastered by Mike Lind. Watch the video below:

Lion’s Share singer Nils Patrik Johansson says: “Lemmy is truly the definition of rock ‘n’ roll – and even though Lion’s Share is more heavy metal than rock ‘n’ roll, Motörhead and Lemmy has been a great inspiration over the years.

We’ve been talking about giving our friends and fans a surprise, and when I came up with the idea to cover “Killed By Death”, Lars [Chriss, Lion’s Share guitarist] was all in and made a great arrangement that just didn’t copy the original, which would have been pointless.

Chriss adds: “We had the pleasure of supporting Motörhead, Dio and Manowar on the ‘Monsters Of The Millennium’ tour, and all the bands treated us so extremely well. Lemmy was such a great and funny person to be around. I have so many great memories from that tour. Very cool to have fellow Swede Mikkey Dee (Motörhead, Scorpions), doing the introduction to our video for the song as well. Plus, of course, the inclusion of all the great photos that Lemmy fans from all over the world sent in.

Lion’s Share |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|Instagram|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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