[News] Mike Portnoy pay tribute to Neil Peart on a kid drumkit

Sons of ApolloĀ drummerĀ Mike PortnoyĀ has once again allowed himself to be filmed playing a toy drum kit, and this time he’s honoring his friendĀ Neil PeartĀ ofĀ Rush.

Just when I thought I was done, they pull me back in,ā€ he said in the video below. ā€œIā€™m getting too old for this. Well, maybe the third time will be the charm. … Neil was one of my biggest heroes of all time and you come to me, and this is what you give me to work with? … Neil would be really upset about this, you know.

He started with “YYZ,” playing for about 20 seconds before throwing his sticks down, shouting, “How can I work with this shit?” and storming off. But he returned, complaining about the setup before taking a stab at “The Spirit of Radio.” He then challenged bandmateĀ Ron “Bumblefoot” ThalĀ to play “Name That Tune” on four Rush songs before kicking the kit over and falling to the floor.

Portnoy, whoĀ knew about Peart’s brain tumorĀ for two years before PeartĀ diedĀ on Jan. 7, then changed his tone. ā€œAll joking aside, losing Neil has been truly devastating and heartbreaking and I donā€™t want to make light out of that,” he said. “To get serious for a moment, we are going to auction this off. Iā€™m gonna sign it and the proceeds for this are going to go toward brain cancer research. I just wanted to say, Neil, rest in peace. Youā€™ll always be my hero and I love you. Thank you for everything.ā€

The auction is live atĀ eBay, wrapping up next Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 10AM Eastern. All proceeds are going to theĀ American Brain Tumor Association.

Sons of Apollo‘s new record “MMXX” is available on the InsideOut Music Official Website: https://www.insideoutmusic.com/release.aspx?IdRelease=2242

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Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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