French Canterbury/Jazz-Rock/Electronic Prog project M’Z reveal the official video for the track “La Grâce De La Solitude Ou L’Anxiété Sociale” taken from 4th album entitled “Émancipés Du Vide?” which will be released on September 20, 2024 on the Italian label Luminol Records. Watch the video through the YouTube player below:
“Émancipés du vide?“
Is a melancholic reflection on the emotional chasms that humans maintain, on the difficulty of extricating ourselves from our various attractions towards nothingness, our inability to look at the mental waste that we produce without going through the guilt box, it is a criticism of normalization, conformism, hollow positivism praised by our overly marketed minds and in search of the fastest path to any Meaning. The illusion of being free in a world that boasts platitudes erected as values supposed to embody this freedom and yet located twenty thousand leagues below what could be a beginning of a path towards an effective freedom. Finally, it symbolizes the vital necessity of finding our lost naivety and relearning to see the beautiful and to work in this direction.
La grâce de la solitude ou l’anxiété sociale:
The first piece that will open the album, deals with the difficulty of evolving in the context of the social group facing this animal that functions far too often as an inhibitor of individuals and which by the reflexes and stereotypes that lead these groups, and the consensus towards the mediocre that this mass desires too often, can make very uncomfortable a part of the humans who feel restricted and unsuited to the functioning of these masses of distressing humans as they can quickly turn into factories of oppression if a head dares to bypass some of the customs in force.
I hope you like the sound and the image! It was filmed globally on the heights of Mirepoix (09 France) in addition we have some images of this piece played during the concerts at the Thuronis farm Alaigne (France 11) and at the associative café of Marquefave (France 31) in August 2024
Pre-Order the album on Bandcamp:
01. La grâce de la solitude ou l’anxiété sociale
02. Loxapine te ghoste
03. DramaKing, le plaisir d’être en rupture
04. Illusion de liberté, mais quelque chose d’autre doit changer…
05. Comptine pour âmes en peine
06. Serais-je un jour plus attractif que ce néant?
07. Les aventures de Neurosix et Psychosix
08. La nuit, la colline a du Spleen
09. Le naïf adulte