[News] Obsidian Kingdom published the video for new single

Spanish metallersĀ Obsidian KingdomĀ have teamed up with “New Noise Magazine” to premiere the Jakov Burov-created music video for their newest single, “The Pump“. The song is taken from the band’s upcoming opusĀ “Meat Machine,” due out September 25th.

The Pump is a feverish delirium about the absurd nature of the world symbolized in a giant machine that constantly grinds and spawns flesh at the same time – neither good nor evil, but blindly bound to function forever in a meaningless course of processing meat,” the band explains.

Although devoid of morality or compassion, the whole scene doesn’t lack a certain sense of humour. “The Pump” is a frantic and dissonant song featuring the broken beat of a stupid mechanism. The main feelings portrayed are brutality and disorientation, but the chorus is also epic and liberating. Behind its grisly faƧade lies a veiled truth: that comedy may be the compass to find beauty at the heart of horror.”

Pre-Orders are open via Bandcamp: https://obsidiankingdom.bandcamp.com/

Obsidian Kingdom |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|Twitter|Instagram|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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