[News] That Joe Payne announces slightly delayed debut solo album release

The official release, including vinyl and digital, will now take place a couple of months later on Friday 7th August 2020. Pre-ordering available HERE.

I needed people to hear what I went through,” says Payne. “I had a lot of different album concepts, but this had to be the first one to help me let go of the stuff that was holding me back for so long. All that dark stuff, it’s all laid to rest now. I’ve gone from caring too much about what other people think of me to not giving a shit anymore, and it’s a great freedom.”

01. The Thing About Me Is
02. By Name. By Nature.
03. Nice Boy
04. In My Head
05. What Is The World Coming To
06. Love (Not Tthe Same) [feat Amy Birks]
07. I Need A Change
08. End Of The Tunnel
09. Music for A While – Bonus Track (CD only)
10. Moonlit Love – Bonus Track (CD only)

“Because The Enid’s music was symphonic rock, having an orchestral nature with mad modulation and complexity behind it all, I felt like I had to really live up to that. Making sense of my ideas didn’t start until a couple of years ago. It was quite a nerve-wracking thing for me, I had to spend a long time learning to trust my instincts and believe in myself.”

The album features guest appearances from Ms. Amy Birks on Love Not The Same, Editors drummer Nicholas Willes and former Enid partner Max Read.

Originally I didn’t want to alienate Enid fans, but I was also determined to bring in more of a pop element as well,” Payne explains. “By the end of the recording process I’m doing By Name. By Nature and Nice Boy, and at that point I’m just producing the record I want to make. They have that symphonic rock element, but I was always interested in that classical crossover stuff – that’s why The Enid appealed to me in the first place. So that was always going to be a part of my sound. But by the end I was prepared to take any risk under the sun and see what I could get away with.

That Joe Payne |Official Website|Facebook Page|Twitter|Instagram|Soundcloud|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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