[News] Weedian released the new Underground Heavy music compilation “Trip To China”

In October 2011, Never Before played the first-ever Stoner Doom show at 13Club livehouse in Beijing. Out of their
obsession with the “New Orleans Heavy Blues” scene, and under the influences of bands such as Down, Crowbar and
Eyehategod, Never Before was able to develop their early sound and style. In 2012, Electric Lady was founded, according to Jimmy Bai, the guitarist, at the time they just wanted to be a band that as if they were living between 1969 to 1970. In 2016, SloomWeep Productions was founded, publicizing music genres such as Stoner, Sludge, Doom and Heavy Psych to Chinese audiences, they also popularized the term “SSD,” an acronym for Stoner/Sludge/Doom.
It is without a doubt that bands such as Black Sabbath, Sleep, Kyuss, Acid King, Electric Wizard and many others from the 70s had a huge influence on these Chinese musicians; for the last decade or so, Chinese bands like Apollo 20, Alpaca, King Of Lazy, S.H.A.S., Ramblin’ Roze, Basement Queen, Banyan River, Rude Gove, HallucinGod, Demon& Eleven Children, Desert Boogie Dorama, Crater and Harrison Hertz cropped up all over China, these bands are different in styles, and are still performing live shows, some of which have released music of high quality. At the same time, new songs from many new groups are in rehearsal and production. On the 4 th of May, 2024, Sun Moon Holy Cult, a band founded by Chinese expats living in Japan, attracted attention from around the globe with their self-titled EP. As genres, Stoner, Sludge, Doom, and Heavy Psych are still new to the Chinese audience, but it has become a niche music scene that thrives on their uniqueness. – Words by DuoLiu (SloomWeep Productions): https://sloomweepproductions.bandcamp.com/

Artwork by: www.instagram.com/lucifuge66.std/

Purchase and Stream the compilation on Bandcamp:

01. Demon & Eleven Children – Don’t Deliver Us From Evil 06:30
02. Electric Lady – Space Lady #48 04:21
03. Never Before – Beast Scum Goddamn Motherfuckers 04:51
04. Sun Moon Holy Cult – I Cut Your Throat 08:33
05. Ramblin’ Roze – Moutain of the Dead 08:35
06. HallucinGod – Marijuana Desert 11:27
07. Bad Tailor – Freewill 07:21
08. King of Lazy – Evil incarnate 05:41
09. White Light – Electric Hammer 08:58
10. The Hermit – Kill Bill 06:19
11. Rude Gove – Transgender Mantis 04:31
12. Harrison Hertz – The Garden 08:20
13. Crater – The melting point of drugs 06:03
14. BanyanRiver – The Ghost Of Temptation Still Haunts On Me 15:36
15. Desert Boogie Dorama – Acid Love 06:29
16. Stinky Humans Abuse to Subsist – We Stink 05:30
17. SPAWN – All Is Shiva 13:27
18. Basement Queen – Eyecatcher 04:17
19. Airylion – The Emptyness 06:45
20. BlackPool – Demos 04:55
21. Alpaca – Jauria 08:02
22. Ayahuasca – Cóndor 03:04

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Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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