[News] Zero Hour: reformed and working on a new album

US progressive metal formation Zero Hour is officially reformed. The band have confirmed that they are working on their “comeback” studio album. Guitars and drums are already recorded. The latter were recorded at Kohlekeller Studios (Germany) by Kai Stahlenberg. More info to be revealed soon. Stay tuned.

Guitarist Jasun Tipton comments: “It’s official……ZERO HOUR IS BACK! Drums and guitars are officially tracked. The man bringing it on the drums is the extremely talented Roel van Helden! He’s such a BEAST of a player and so STOKED for his contribution. Drums were recorded at Kohlekeller studios (Germany) by Kai Stahlenberg. A drum video with follow in the coming days. We’re going back to the sound of our first two release Metamorphosis and The Towers Of Avarice. We have a very, very talented bass player starting to move on the tracks and will announce at a later time. On vocals will be Erik Rosvold and we’re very excited with the process. Please help us spread the word and share to friends who are listeners of Zero Hour!

Zero Hour |Facebook Page|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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