[News] Prog On The Ranch cancels festival – Plans to reschedule in the autumn

Official Press Release:

We are so sad to have to be posting this, but circumstances here and around the world have left us no alternative. We’ve been watching COVID-19 carefully and have been deliberating what to do about Prog On The Ranch over the past few weeks. We were struggling with the thought of everyone coming together at the ranch after going through all the various airports, and other people joining us after disembarking CTTE (if the cruise even happens) and the possibility of putting our other attendees at risk, as well as people they may come in contact with afterwards.

Once the European travel restriction was announced last night, that finalized it for us. There are too many wonderful people who were traveling from the EU who are like family to us, and the joy of Prog On The Ranch would be diminished without them. As this is our 5th year hosting Prog on the Ranch, which began as a small group of us coming together in music and friendship, it wouldn’t make sense to proceed with only our local attendees, when many from our founding group wouldn’t even be able to join us.

We want to thank those of you who have helped us during our planning stage over the past 8 months;  Ken Slater, David Maniscalco, Michael Bortz, Suzanne Reardon-Mulhall, Tim Palsson, Gary Hobish, Scott Summers,  Michael Rashasl, Leah Treeheart Songweaver Clark, Anamnesis Houston, Bob Harris, William Day, Barbara McGunigal, Ed Mulhall, Ed Platt, Erik Koch,  Christopher Hammond, as well as everyone who joined us on The Grid, and we want to assure you that your efforts were not in vain. 

We are looking at dates in the Autumn to reschedule and hope that everybody will be able to join us at that time. We intend to keep the POTR Song Grid INTACT, and we will hopefully be able to pick things up right where we left off. You now have a little extra time to practice your songs  😉

In love & music, Bill and Devora

Prog On The Ranch |Official Website|Facebook Page|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

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