[News] David Judson Clemmons publish “Humans” by Damn the Machine acoustic version

David Judson Clemmons publish the video of an acoustic version of “Humans” from the 1993 release with Damn the Machine. Watch the video below:

David says: “Thanks for checking in, it seems our debut, and only release has gained momentum over the years. I thought I should go back and re-learn the songs, as it has sure been awhile, and so much has happened since Chris, Mark, Dave Randi and I wrote these songs in our Los Angeles rehearsal room in the early 90s.

This version is in E flat minor, (I play tuned down, position is Eminor)
originally the song “Humans” is played in Fsharp minor, however after almost 30 years. I found the vocal range challenging, ha it was challenging in 93, so this is a solid and comfortable range for me. I hope you enjoy this solo version, as I have learned, if a song is great, it can be played in any format and still shine
” he adds.

Check in with us at: http://www.djclemmons.com/ and go to “old bands”
there I have a page for Damn The Machine with photos, interviews.

David Judson Clemmons released a new album on April 10, 2020 titled “Tribe & Throne“,purchase the album on Bandcamp: https://davidjudsonclemmons.bandcamp.com/album/tribe-throne

Damn The Machine |Official Website|Bandcamp|Facebook Page|Twitter|Spotify|YouTube Channel|

Author: Jacopo Vigezzi

2 thoughts on “[News] David Judson Clemmons publish “Humans” by Damn the Machine acoustic version


    Thanks alot for adding my video and news update! I wanted to let you all know, that Damn The Machine now has released the demo version of the debut album. The title is “Day One” and can only be ordered directly from the band at our official dedicated dtm website:
    or via Bandcamp

    it is also up on all of the digital platforms,

    very cool of you to include DTM on your page!

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