Official Press Release:
The first edition of the Indian Summer Festival will take place in Poznań at the end of summer, on September 26 to 27. Hosted by Independent Music Market and Agencja Oskar, this is a special event designed with Progressive Rock fans in mind.
Legends and rising stars of the genre will perform on the stage of the historic Zamek Cultural Center. There has never been such an event in Greater Poland before! Indian summer, or gossip in Polish, has a chance to become a new tradition.
The event is two magical evenings at the Zamek Culture Center in Poznań, which will surely fall in the hearts of progressive rock fans for a long time. The cast of the Festival is a mix of rock legends and stars and prog rock, a wide range of styles, and finally, a great opportunity to fulfill your musical dreams and see your favorite, often truly legendary performers on stage!
The festival will take place on September 26-27, 2020, in the beautiful setting of the nineteenth-century Imperial Castle in Poznań. A total of nine bands will appear on stage. The composition promises to be really impressive!
Saturday, September 26, 2020:

More about the festival and artists, tickets, among other things: https://www.artrock.pl/aktualnosci/11653/indian_summer_festival_-_nowa_impreza_rockowa_na_muzycznej_mapie_polski.html